Antibiotic resistance and your child
It’s crucial to understand when antibiotics are necessary to help protect your child’s health and prevent the spread of resistant bacteria.
Baby circumcision: Weighing the pros and cons
Baby circumcision really requires careful consideration of the benefits and risks as well as your cultural and religious influences.
Sleep disorders in children
In this podcast, Sydney Adventist Hospital paediatrician Dr Hugh Allen discusses the most commonly asked questions and treatment options for kids’ sleeping disorders.
Can stress cause a miscarriage?
Can stress cause a miscarriage? Or are there other factors involved? What can we do to prevent miscarriages?
Baby grinding teeth: Is it normal?
Hearing a baby grinding teeth is probably one of the harsher sounds parents can hear, but is it a sign of deeper medical conditions?
When is it OK to take a bath post-C-section?
How long after C-section can you have a bath?
Is it OK to use a nasal aspirator to clear my child’s stuffy nose?
Q: Is it OK to use a nasal aspirator to clear my child’s stuffy nose? I’ve heard it can hurt his nasal lining and cause other problems.
What pregnancy multivitamin is the best?
Deciding which pregnancy multivitamin is the best to help encourage a healthy baby will boil down to what your body really needs.
What to do when your child swallows something
Child will often swallow foreign objects such as coins or buttons. Here’s what to do then that happens.
🎥 Baby CPR and other first-aid skills parents need to know
Sarah Hunstead, emergency nurse and founder of CPR Kids, provides a practical demonstration on how do you do CPR on an infant.
What to put in a family first-aid kit
A family first-aid kit isn’t only about band-aids and antiseptic creams. Here are the necessary items you need at home for emergencies.