10 of the best learn to read books
As a librarian, here are a few of my favourite books for young children. Do you have any of these on your child’s bookshelf?
How to teach your child to read
There are some simple activities you can do at home from an early age that will teach your child to read.
How volunteering helps your child
Volunteering teaches us that everyone is valuable, thus developing ethical behaviour.
How to help your child with procrastination
The pattern is always the same. Staying up late to complete homework that could have been started earlier and assignments finished in a frantic last-minute rush. What do you do when your child is a procrastinator?
Is time-out a positive punishment?
Some believe giving children quiet time doesn’t help them regulate their feelings. Is time-out a positive punishment? Two mums share their views.
6 tips for travelling with a baby
Cars, trains, taxis or buses. Here are 6 things you want to know when travelling with a baby.
How to build an insect hotel
Making an insect hotel is a fantastic weekend activity to try with your children and these simple instructions will help you build one.
Teen dating: 8 things parents need to do
Romantic interests are a completely normal part of growing up. However, it’s what teens do with that interest and how you handle your teen’s emerging feelings that matters.
Is your child a bully? Here’s what to do
Bullying has terrible effects on the victims involved but one of the toughest things to hear from your child’s school is that your own child is the bully.
Would you discipline another parent’s child?
It’s one thing to discipline your own child, but would you ever step in to tell another child off if what they’re doing is impacting your kid? Two mums share their views.
Preparing for the full-on fours
Boys don’t just develop at a different rate to girls. They also have unique developmental stages, triggered by hormonal shifts, which are only just being understood. The “full-on fours” is the first of these.
Indoor activities for kids
Stuck indoors with no idea what to do? Here are 11 easy and fun indoor activities for kids to do at home, especially perfect on a rainy day.