School holidays 2023: Term dates, public holidays and school holidays for your calendar
Whether it’s to plan vacation care, a family holiday or when to get those school uniforms ready, we have the dates you need for your calendar.
What a teacher really thinks about school reports
School report season is almost upon us. But do they really serve a purpose? One teacher says no.
Why you shouldn’t force your kids to finish their food
Forget fussy eating. Making your kids eat everything on their plate will lead to obesity, bad eating habits and other problems.
Want the best gifts for girls? These women make them
Don’t miss the exclusive offers from these local brands. They have some awesome gifts for girls young, old and everything in between.
Make sure your kid knows these code words
A simple way of giving your children a discreet way out for when they need help, without feeling embarrassed.
When another kid is mean to your kid
How do you deal with another child being mean to your child? Here are the 6 things you should do—and no, it doesn’t involve in stepping in.
Positive parenting approaches for when a child misbehaves
Study finds seven basic things you can do to manage your child’s bad behaviour. And it is based on positive parenting.
When your child says “I’m fat”
If your child asks you if they are fat, or tells you that someone called them fat, resist the urge to say “You’re not fat! You’re beautiful.”
7 ways to help your child explore a career path
Here are just some of the different ways parents can help their children explore future career options and get on the right career path.
Teaching children about respect: New campaign pulls heartstrings
The Australian government’s latest ad against violence ticks all the right boxes and sends home a very strong message.
The dark web: What every parent needs to know
Shrouded in intrigue and mystery, it’s no surprise the dark web is alluring to kids. Here are 8 things parents can do to protect their children from the dark web.
NAPLAN: Helping your child with spelling
Is your child still stumbling over spelling? Here’s how to help them prepare for NAPLAN.