Four types of boys and how they respond
Here are the four types of boys I shared about in my book, How to Raise a Man, which is a useful tool in helping mothers understand how to adapt their children’s demands.
Why this bedtime chart is dividing mums online
Some mums are saying this chart is putting unnecessary pressure on parents, while others are swearing by it.
Why your child should have an early bedtime
The benefits of getting your kid to bed early go beyond a brief moment of “you-time” after they’ve gone to sleep. It has the potential to give them a healthy head start too.
How to avoid shame-based parenting
Are you shaming your child? Many parents are unknowingly shaming their children, and this can result in negative long-term effects.
Why your child doesn’t listen—and how to get them to
Evidence suggests pretence can help children take on others’ perspectives and stay on track more.
Parenting a toddler? Simply step back and watch, study recommends
Parents reported significantly lower stress levels, with more confidence and a better understanding of their children’s capabilities.
Mood swings and puberty—and 4 simple ways to cope
This is the time in our daughters’ lives where their hormones start surging, their bodies are changing with the onset of puberty and their relationships with their friends are becoming more important.
How to help your shy child socialise
It’s quite common for some toddlers to be shy or upset when other small children are around. There are lots of reasons why this can happen.
5 tips for parenting teenagers
Raising teenagers is no easy task. So we asked psychologist Collett Smart to explain five teenage parenting tips to help you connect with teenagers.
Speech and language development at home
Are you worried that your child may have delayed speech and language development or may not be developing clear speech and language normally?
5 easy ways to teach children compassion and empathy
Raising children with the ability to empathise is key in creating a kinder, more compassionate and loving world.
How to teach your child patience
With everything at our fingertips in an instant, children are not learning the great art of waiting. There’s a surprising solution for that.