How to respond when your child asks you why He can’t hear God
Q: What should I say to my five-year-old when he asks why he can’t audibly hear God?
Need parenting help? We have 3 solutions you never saw coming
Sometimes, the responsibility of being a parent can be overwhelming, but help is available during the moments when we feel like helpless little children.
Both my babies were in hospital recovering from major surgeries at the same time
“Before the operator said anything, my eyes filled with tears, as I knew in my heart that something was very wrong.”
7 easy things you can do to improve your child’s spirituality
Q: How do I get my kids to connect more with Jesus?
What 7 years of waiting for a baby taught me
Seven years. That was how long Lisa Carey and her husband Lyle tried to conceive. After nearly giving up hope, they chose to trust God.
If there is a God, why do bad things happen?
Q: What do I say to my children to justify all the bad things happening around the world when they know Jesus is caring?
“My husband wasn’t even allowed to be there for the birth”
How I discovered a way to thrive and overcome the difficulties of motherhood after suffering a traumatic birth and postnatal depression.
Kristina Keneally: Finding strength in death
Stillbirth. A silent and lonely pain—and the source of many tears for Kristina Keneally, New South Wales’ first female premier.
“Every night as a baby, her hands would swell up and turn blue.”
Debbie Kraak shares how a simple prayer healed her baby daughter Bel Thomson’s swollen hands and changed the course of both their lives.
Explaining Jesus and the end of the world to a child
Q: Ever since she heard a sermon that the world is ending and Jesus is returning soon, my seven-year-old daughter has been extremely anxious. What can I do to allay her fears?
How to explain death to a child
It can sometimes be difficult to explain death to a child, especially if you’re processing grief yourself. Here are a few tips on what to do.