Why children lie
Discover why children lie, what it reveals about their development, and how to respond with understanding to encourage honesty and trust.
Why it’s a good thing if your son is wild at heart
If you’ve ever struggled to understand your son’s behaviour and how his mind works, what you are about to read may surprise you.
Phones for kids: When, how and which ones?
Phones for kids provide connectivity but can be fraught with risks. Here are some things to consider when getting your kid their first phone.
First day of school printable
Download our free printable to help you capture the precious memory of your child starting school for the new year.
What to do if your child is vaping
Here are some effective strategies for having open conversations to guide your child toward healthier choices.
Teens now: The unique challenges for Gen Z
Teens now face unique challenges like social media and increased mental health concerns. Learn how to help them navigate today’s world.
The secret to motivating our children
If you’ve ever struggled with getting your child to do or accomplish anything, you might want to try this tip.
Growing up: A parent’s checklist for when your child turns 18
Turning 18 is a major step in growing up. Our parent’s checklist provides legal and financial guidance for this important milestone.
Helping kids navigate a media-filled world
Screens are all around us and it feels like we can’t ever escape. How can we help our kids navigate the treacherous world of media?
Love languages for kids: What’s your child’s?
These different love languages for kids will tell you a lot about your child, how they feel loved and how they give or show love.
How long kids want to spend with their parents—and it’s longer than you think
New research reveals young people believe significant adults in their lives don’t listen to them. Here’s how you can change that.
The skincare trend you don’t want your tweens to be on
The rise of “Sephora kids” and “skinfluencers” are giving our children yet another thing to feel inadequate about—with potential harmful outcomes.