What to do if your child has seen porn
Young people innately want to know more about love and sex, yet porn has the ability to destroy everything that is good about romance, love and relationships.
Is this what second children are like?
Ever wondered why your second child behaves the way they do? Science has an answer.
🎥 Simple ways to spend one-on-one time with kids
Spending one-on-one time with your children is essential to all areas of their development, regardless of whether they are a newborn, toddler or teenager.
Is it bad for a teenager to drink alcohol?
Under the influence of a large amount of alcohol, teenagers make bad decisions. Sexual violence is a big one.
Does your child need multivitamins?
Vitamins are “vital” for our bodies to work effectively. So you would think your child needs multivitamins for good health right? Wrong.
🎥 Teenagers and sex: 3 things you need to know
Sexologist Patricia Weerakoon, discusses three imperative things you need to know about teenagers and sex.
Pocket money for kids: How to do it right
Giving kids pocket money isn’t simply about how much or how often. It’s also about teaching kids financial literacy, work ethics and life skills.
Questions to ask kids that will get them talking about their day at school
We ask members of our Mums At The Table group to share their tips on questions to ask kids so they’ll open up about their day at school.
Cyber safety: Keeping your children safe from predators
We talk to child cyber safety experts about the six things about our children we should never share online.
12 life lessons your children need to learn
With all the distraction and overstimulation that devices bring, children are not building up useful “reservoirs of knowledge” they can draw on in coming years.
Kids playing sports? Here are 5 things you shouldn’t do
As parents navigating the ups and downs of the sporting world, what are some of the opportunities to grasp, priorities to hold onto and dangers to avoid?
5 mistakes parents make when teaching children about money
To help start the conversation about money with your children, here are our tips on the common mistakes parents make.