Why your children should not do homework
School assignments: why they can sometimes do more harm than good.
7 ways to get your children off the screens
Instead of banning screen time, we need to help our children find a healthy balance.
Do this everyday to raise well-adjusted kids
The time together generates feelings of closeness and comfort, providing a unique context to connect with your child.
“I resent my child”
Q: Is it normal to detest and even resent giving birth to my son? He’s 12 now and is a real handful and I find it extremely challenging to show love to him.
How volunteering helps your child
Volunteering teaches us that everyone is valuable, thus developing ethical behaviour.
How to help your child with procrastination
The pattern is always the same. Staying up late to complete homework that could have been started earlier and assignments finished in a frantic last-minute rush. What do you do when your child is a procrastinator?
Sleep disorders in children
In this podcast, Sydney Adventist Hospital paediatrician Dr Hugh Allen discusses the most commonly asked questions and treatment options for kids’ sleeping disorders.
Teen dating: 8 things parents need to do
Romantic interests are a completely normal part of growing up. However, it’s what teens do with that interest and how you handle your teen’s emerging feelings that matters.
How to prepare your child for a successful career
Equipping children for a happy and successful professional life, even in jobs that don’t yet exist.
How parents can teach Creation in a world that believes in evolution
My child’s school has been teaching evolution, causing him to question what we have been teaching him about Creation. Can you suggest anything we can do?
Child sexual abuse by another child: The shocking reality
Think child sexual abuse is always perpetrated by adults? Think again.
7 things to do if your child is being bullied
These are some strategies parents can take to help prevent bullying.