🎥 Mums are amazing
Mums—many women have done excellently but you surpass them all.
How to get a child’s attention
Gaining your child’s attention is not always easy, but we have a surefire way to do so.
“The doctors have been telling me I have 12 months to live for the last 20 years!”
Alex was 18 when she fell pregnant, and the father of the child wanted nothing to do with them once he heard the news.
After the movie Lion: Sue Brierley on motherhood and the unexpected gift she gave her sons
Sue Brierley, the mother of Saroo Brierley, opens up about why she wrote her memoir and what she believes all mums should do.
“I couldn’t enjoy my baby”
As a brand new parent, I had barely a day of holding Hunter before I quickly became terribly concerned about his health.
I nearly snatched the pram back from her hands
“As she lifted the pram into the boot of her car, I had to fight the rising urge to ask for it back.”
Goodbye, my school boy
I never thought I’d say this—is a mother’s heart ever ready?
Pregnant in a pandemic
When COVID-19 arrived in Australia, I was 20 weeks into my third pregnancy, making it one of my biggest challenges yet.
How a conversation saved my life
The first time I tried to kill myself, I was just 12 years old. . . . Over the next eight years, I would try to take my life another 13 times.
Suffering. For me, it’s personal
As I write this, my dear friend Brenda has just died. She was 36 and leaves a husband and three children, the youngest of whom is a five-month-old baby.