
Want your child to connect more with Jesus? Here are 7 simple things you can do.

1. Prayer

Make prayer a part of your daily routine. Pray at mealtimes, in the car, before bed and more.

2. Bible study

Read the Bible with your child along with a good Bible storybook. This is how they learn about Jesus in action and as they hear the stories, it helps them develop ways to connect with Jesus.

3. Church involvement

The Sabbath needs to be a special day for many reasons, the most important being the opportunity to participate in a formal time to worship God and celebrate the life of Jesus.

4. Service to others

As children serve alongside their parents, they catch a greater vision of who Jesus is and develop a deep heart connection with Him and for others. Service to others increases your child’s spirituality exponentially.

5. Godly play

As children play and use their imaginations (especially in a spiritual setting), they experience Jesus in their own way. Powerful connections can be forged in this way.

6. Nature nurture

Taking your child on a trip into the great outdoors, to the beach, camping, climbing a mountain or even to the zoo is a great way for your child to connect with the Creator. Another way is to watch the stars on a still clear night. 

7. Memory events

Camps, weeks of worship and other church-organised events are also excellent ways for your child to gain a sense of something bigger than themselves and to connect with Jesus in a powerful way. The key is to build these events into your child’s life regularly. They are connecting anchor points for the soul.

Any advice given is general in nature and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and must not be relied upon as such. For any healthcare advice, always consult a healthcare practitioner.

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