How to teach your child patience
With everything at our fingertips in an instant, children are not learning the great art of waiting. There’s a surprising solution for that.
Age-appropriate chores: 5 ways to get your kids started
Let’s talk about why children should be doing the family chores from a young age and how to get them started. Make sure you read to the end for our list of age appropriate chores for kids aged two to teens.
Help! I have a hyperactive child!
There are active children and then there’s the hyperactive child. Here’s how to deal with a hyperactive child at home.
How to encourage your child to play independently
Here are some tried and tested tips for encouraging children to play a little longer on their own.
3 reasons why you should stop yelling at your kids
A psychologist explains why we shout at our kids, whether it will cause irreparable damage and strategies we can take to stop shouting at them.
How to tell if your child has an eating disorder
Young people suffering from an eating disorder or body image issues can be adept at hiding their insecurities. Here’s how you can help them.
How children learn to be racist
Want to raise a culturally-sensitive child? Here’s what you can do.
Why do siblings fight all the time?!
What should parents do when their kids won’t stop fighting?
Why won’t my child talk to me?
Kids often decide to clam up when they reach a certain age. Here’s what you can do to encourage them to talk to you.
Expert formula to building good character in children
Character counts! Psychologist Collet Smart discusses her research on how to teach children character.
6 tips to help you survive grocery shopping with children
Marketing and pricing are the main reasons why our kids are reaching for junk food. Here’s how to shop for healthy food and not succumb to pester power.
Teaching boys to rescue damsels in distress doesn’t spell the end of feminism
When did rescuing become such a bad thing, something to discourage in our boys?