How to avoid breastfeeding pain & discomfort
Experiencing sharp breast pain when breastfeeding, breastfeeding shooting pain or a stinging pain in the breast while breastfeeding?
New mum gifts: This is what’s really wanted
“Lying in my unmade, milk-spattered bedsheets, I read her wise words and found companionship for the first time since becoming a mum.”
Signs your baby is getting enough breastmilk
Is my baby getting enough breastmilk, is five minutes breastfeeding enough and how much breastmilk does a newborn need at each feeding?
🎥 Breastfeeding positions
If you’re a new mum, these are the breastfeeding positions you need to know about!
🎥 First period after birth
Many first time mums are curious about what will happen with their menstrual cycle after having a baby.
What to expect when you’re breastfeeding
In this video, lactation consultant Alison Edgecombe helps answer questions about what to expect when breastfeeding a newborn.
🎥 The mum video you need
These mums are here to remind you that you’ve got this—there ain’t no hood like motherhood! We’re here for you.
5 smart money moves every new parent should make
These five money must-dos when preparing for a new baby are crucial to help you be smart about spending, investing and protecting your assets.
A letter to me, the new mum
“You’ll probably never shake off the guilty feeling that Elliott will transition fully onto formula by the time he is three months old.”
Doctor approved exercises to fix muscle separation after giving birth
Dr Peter Wood, obstetrician and gynaecologist, explains the best exercises for diastasis recti (muscle separation) and how these can close the muscles for postpartum mums.
Mums, here’s permission to look after yourself
Pregnancy, the postpartum period and motherhood ask a lot from your body and we commonly see mothers in a completely depleted state.
🎥 How to tell if baby is too hot
Our resident GP shares how to tell if baby is too hot and strategies to keep baby at a comfortable temperature, especially while sleeping.