Why it’s a good thing if your son is wild at heart
If you’ve ever struggled to understand your son’s behaviour and how his mind works, what you are about to read may surprise you.
7 issues our boys face today and how to help them
An evidence-based approach to developing seven core principles all boys need to grow up confident, healthy and liking themselves.
Why I’m fine with my son playing with dolls
In the year 2022, I’d like to think society in general would have learned a thing or two about respect. It would seem I am wrong.
Teaching children about respect: New campaign pulls heartstrings
The Australian government’s latest ad against violence ticks all the right boxes and sends home a very strong message.
8 tips you never knew about raising boys
Raising boys can be a completely different experience to raising little girls. Parenting expert Maggie Dent gives us a sneak peek into a young boy’s psyche.
Why I’m reading this book on raising girls even though I have a son
As a self-confessed feminist, the strategies suggested in Raising Girls Who Like Themselves help me to better raise a son, who I hope will become a man who respects women and even champions their rights.
Four types of boys and how they respond
Here are the four types of boys I shared about in my book, How to Raise a Man, which is a useful tool in helping mothers understand how to adapt their children’s demands.
This is what it’s like to be a mother of three boys
“Robot wars, Minecraft, Lego blocks and the all-time favourite, WrestleMania, encapsulate the very essence of our now robust home.”
Baby circumcision: Weighing the pros and cons
Baby circumcision really requires careful consideration of the benefits and risks as well as your cultural and religious influences.
Preparing for the full-on fours
Boys don’t just develop at a different rate to girls. They also have unique developmental stages, triggered by hormonal shifts, which are only just being understood. The “full-on fours” is the first of these.
Rules for dating my son
Unimpressed with an online meme going viral, Magda Hughes decided to write her own.
How to raise a boy to be a gentleman
While every child is different, there are some basic foundations we can provide to ensure our sons grow up to be men who make us proud.