Tips for travelling with children
Eight mums (and one dad) share their fail-proof tips for travelling with children, be they babies or primary-schoolers.
A new mum’s nappy bag checklist
A nappy bag should hold much more than just spare nappies. But what? Here’s a list of 11 must-have items in your nappy bag.
🎥 3 cheap ways to eat out in the city
Getting out and about doesn’t have to empty your wallet. Rachel shares three cheap ways to eat out in the city how a city.
I found the secret to encourage creativity in my children
There are certainly merits to going out and experiencing the world, but sometimes, it is in those still moments at home that we flourish best.
Would you support an airline that segregates passengers with children?
Nobody wants a crying baby while travelling in an aeroplane—even if you were the baby’s mum. But would you support an airline that dictates you can only sit in a specific area because you have children? Two mums share their views.
🎥 How to have a perfect day at the beach with children
It can sometimes be really stressful when planning a trip to the beach with your kids. Here are some tips to make sure you have a successful beach day.
Rules for dating my son
Unimpressed with an online meme going viral, Magda Hughes decided to write her own.
Volunteer opportunities for kids: How these families are turning the idea on its head
Volunteering may be a good thing to do, but it does take away precious time with our family. What if there was a better way?
3 unexpected ways to deal with an entitled teen
Strategies to engage with teenagers, teaching them there’s a bigger world outside of themselves.
Would you teach your child to share?
Is sharing really caring or an encroachment of a child’s personal space and rights? Two mums share their views.
How to raise a boy to be a gentleman
While every child is different, there are some basic foundations we can provide to ensure our sons grow up to be men who make us proud.
Why African babies don’t cry
What do African mums do to prevent their babies from crying—and does it really work?