A nappy bag should hold much more than just spare nappies. But what? Here’s a list of 11 must-have items in your nappy bag.
Nappy bag checklist
Don’t leave home without:
- The nappy bag: Of course
- Hat and sunscreen: So sun protection is always on hand
- Nappy change mat: Not all public change tables are pleasant, let alone clean. A change mat also makes it easier for you to change baby on other locations, such as grass or a bench
- Travel-size nappy cream: Nappy rashes are never far away
- Travel-size moisturiser: For dry spots on baby but also for your hands
- Travel-size hand sanitiser: You may not always have the luxury of having a tap nearby
- Spare nappies: How many will depend on how long you’re planning to be out (then add one more to the final count)
- Plastic bags (for used disposables) or wet bags (for used cloth nappies)
- Wet wipes: Sample packs are a great size
- Spare clothes for the parent: A poo-nami can happen at anytime!
- Spare clothes for the baby: Same reason as #10

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