Why do siblings fight all the time?!
What should parents do when their kids won’t stop fighting?
3 science-based activities to entertain the kids at home
These stimulating activities from Street Science will inspire your child’s curiosity for the world and get their brains working.
Showing God to children during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis
With church services cancelled, how can parents continue to cultivate the spiritual lives of their children?
Fun activities at home with kids
From physical activity to mind-stretchers, here are some ideas to entertain the kids at home.
How to know when your child is ready for school
While there’s no official checklist for school readiness, there are a few traits and behaviours you can look for when it comes to your child starting school.
Children’s books about death and grief—and other major events in their lives
Whether it’s the death of a loved one, introducing a new sibling, moving to a new house or starting school, a picture book can often help ease your preschooler through the transition.
Talking to your children about COVID-19
We can’t shield them from the information, but our resident psychologist suggests ways to steer them away from fear.
Expert formula to building good character in children
Character counts! Psychologist Collet Smart discusses her research on how to teach children character.
6 tips to help you survive grocery shopping with children
Marketing and pricing are the main reasons why our kids are reaching for junk food. Here’s how to shop for healthy food and not succumb to pester power.
Literacy expert: How children learn to write
There is one thing parents can all do at home to ensure their children successfully learn to write—and it’s not as hard as you think.
7 kids’ books about gratitude
From intentional activities and service opportunities to the books we read, we can shine a spotlight on gratitude.
3 books for kids who want to change the world
These are the books you want your kids to read when you realise the future of our world lies in their hands.