How to help your child with procrastination
The pattern is always the same. Staying up late to complete homework that could have been started earlier and assignments finished in a frantic last-minute rush. What do you do when your child is a procrastinator?
🎥 What causes hearing loss in children?
Hearing loss in children can develop before eight years of age, but often go undetected as it presents itself unexpectedly.
Sleep disorders in children
In this podcast, Sydney Adventist Hospital paediatrician Dr Hugh Allen discusses the most commonly asked questions and treatment options for kids’ sleeping disorders.
Explaining Jesus and the end of the world to a child
Q: Ever since she heard a sermon that the world is ending and Jesus is returning soon, my seven-year-old daughter has been extremely anxious. What can I do to allay her fears?
Is your child a bully? Here’s what to do
Bullying has terrible effects on the victims involved but one of the toughest things to hear from your child’s school is that your own child is the bully.
How to explain death to a child
It can sometimes be difficult to explain death to a child, especially if you’re processing grief yourself. Here are a few tips on what to do.
Free printable: How to discipline a child
How do you discipline your child at home? Learn how to discipline a child with this step-by-step guide you can print and keep in a handy place.
Indoor activities for kids
Stuck indoors with no idea what to do? Here are 11 easy and fun indoor activities for kids to do at home, especially perfect on a rainy day.
6 difficult parenting moments and how to avoid them
Attune, limit set and problem solve is an approach that will enable you to spend less time struggling and more time enjoying your kids.
Should you hold your child back from starting school?
Send your child to school too soon and they may not be ready. Send them too late and you may be wasting their potential. Is there in fact a right age?
How to prepare your child for a successful career
Equipping children for a happy and successful professional life, even in jobs that don’t yet exist.
Child sexual abuse by another child: The shocking reality
Think child sexual abuse is always perpetrated by adults? Think again.