Children’s food allergies: Signs and symptoms
Find out more about the diagnosis, management and treatment of food allergies—and how you can help your children avoid them.
12 life lessons your children need to learn
With all the distraction and overstimulation that devices bring, children are not building up useful “reservoirs of knowledge” they can draw on in coming years.
A teacher’s perspective on children’s milestones
This teacher reminds us that while developmental milestones for children are helpful, there’s something else that’s more important.
Kids playing sports? Here are 5 things you shouldn’t do
As parents navigating the ups and downs of the sporting world, what are some of the opportunities to grasp, priorities to hold onto and dangers to avoid?
Why I want my kids to fail
I have posed a challenge to my kids: To try something that they may potentially be bad at.
5 mistakes parents make when teaching children about money
To help start the conversation about money with your children, here are our tips on the common mistakes parents make.
Developmental milestones checklist
Download our free printable to help you find out where your child should be in their development.
Why I’m reading this book on raising girls even though I have a son
As a self-confessed feminist, the strategies suggested in Raising Girls Who Like Themselves help me to better raise a son, who I hope will become a man who respects women and even champions their rights.
How to talk to kids about sex
Here’s how and when to talk to kids and teens about sex, puberty, sex education and sexuality at different stages of their childhood.
Raising girls to understand consent
A few years ago, a man serving me coffee in my regular cafe said to my young daughter, Violet, “Give us a kiss.”
To the parent of the child who hurt mine
It may have been an accident or it may have been intentional . . . regardless, the damage has been done.
Your child can be a lot of things, but preferably not this
Responsible, achievement-oriented and highly principled . . . this is the kind of child most parents dream of, until you discover the downside.