How to prepare your child for a successful career
Equipping children for a happy and successful professional life, even in jobs that don’t yet exist.
How parents can teach Creation in a world that believes in evolution
My child’s school has been teaching evolution, causing him to question what we have been teaching him about Creation. Can you suggest anything we can do?
10 simple ways to talk to your children about terrorism
Even if terror events happen overseas and not in our own cities, they can still trigger fear in children who find out about them on TV or through friends. How can we reassure them?
Why I’m OK with my child’s “religious indoctrination”
Are what we’re teaching children at an early age, be that food choices or religious decisions, a form of indoctrination?
I found the secret to encourage creativity in my children
There are certainly merits to going out and experiencing the world, but sometimes, it is in those still moments at home that we flourish best.
Would you teach your child to share?
Is sharing really caring or an encroachment of a child’s personal space and rights? Two mums share their views.
How to raise a boy to be a gentleman
While every child is different, there are some basic foundations we can provide to ensure our sons grow up to be men who make us proud.