Stranger danger: The three common places kids get in trouble
Forget stranger danger. There are three other most dangerous places our children could be—and they don’t necessarily involve strangers.
Teaching your child to ride a bike? Start here
Everything you need to know as a parent when your child starts to learn to ride a bike. Here’s how to get them off those training wheels.
7 issues our boys face today and how to help them
An evidence-based approach to developing seven core principles all boys need to grow up confident, healthy and liking themselves.
Night terrors in children: What you can do
Night terrors are very different to your child having a nightmare. How does it happen and how can you help your child? We have the answers.
Bedwetting causes & solutions
We explore why kids wet their beds, bust a number of bedwetting myths and offer 5 simple solutions.
How positive behaviour support can benefit your child
Positive behaviour support is a gentle approach that will encourage a positive change in your child’s behaviour—and it doesn’t involve time-outs or punishments.
My child has started swearing
Kids start swearing at different ages for various reasons. Here are some age-appropriate ways to handle the situation.
Want to be a great parent? Read this
In his new book, The Parenting Revolution, Dr Justin Coulson looks at a parenting style nobody has considered and explains why it matters.
Teaching kids about money: 8 savvy ways
These eight tips from a wealth advisor will ensure you teach your kids good money habits that will last a lifetime.
Developing social skills for children in a post-COVID world
5 tips to help develop social skills for children in your “COVID baby” that will enable them to build meaningful relationships.
School refusal: When you child doesn’t want to go to school
A psychologist offers six tips to help if your child is one of the thousands who refuses to go to school every morning.
6 kids’ classes your child should try this year and why
Here are 6 kids’ classes you may want to consider as a fun after-school activity for your little one this year.