Rachel H
It’s always the family photos—and it feels very much like the John Williamson song [“Christmas Photo”]—and we have done that since I was a kid. But the tradition I have introduced since having my own kids is the month of December activities. We do one a day and it’s as simple and cheap as a colour-in nativity picture, decorate the tree, make gingerbread biscuits for neighbours, Christmas cards for friends, “What I love about you” notes to each family member . . . you get the idea. It’s one activity a day about Christmas, Christ, and sharing and giving. My kids now look forward to December each year!
The festive season has evolved for me from being kid-like and catered to, to the reality of kid-life and catering for kids. For us it’s about creating memories that all the family’s kids will cherish. It usually involves family time, “fob” feasts and getaways with my parents, siblings and their families.
We do a very fun Kris Kringle every year that everyone looks forward to. There is a lot of “stealing” going on and always some crazy gifts that no-one wants (chosen on purpose) and some things that everyone wants.
Also, my brother has a tradition each year of gifting his kids and nieces and nephew a CD. His aim is to “educate” them on “good” music. This is music from the ’70s and ’80s. Think ABBA, Little River Band and Eagles. The kids usually have to Google about them!
Rachel L A
We’re still building our family traditions. One thing that’s very big and important is that we gather with Pete’s family and friends for a big Christmas lunch and we give presents to the kids, which is always fun!
Christmas has always been my favourite day of the year. Every Christmas Eve, my mum would stay up until the early hours of the morning wrapping gifts for my sisters and me, and laying them out in our very own piles in the living room. Christmas Day was then spent waking up early, opening gifts, swimming through wrapping paper, eating a delicious breakfast and then having lunch as a family. It was, and has always been, a very laidback, family day!
Both Daniel’s and my family have never been really big on Christmas or traditions, so we don’t have any—we don’t even do presents! It’s just another day for us, really, except we don’t have to go to work! Chinese New Year, on the other hand . . .
The only family tradition we have other than going to the Gary’s family for lunch is that on Christmas Eve, the boys would and still want to, open one present before going to bed. I found this helped to calm the excitement of Christmas a little and helped them get to sleep.
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